Mandaosui is a power spot created by water! A place where money and fortune are influenced to increase!【Feng Shui terminology】
There is a geographical condition of Feng Shui called Mandousui.
Mandousui refers to a place where “all 180 degrees” in front of you are “water meido”.
In Japan, there are many spots that fall into this category, but here we will introduce a few typical Mandousui spots.
おすすめ満堂水スポット紹介! Introduction of recommended Mando water spots!
①滋賀県の琵琶湖 Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture

Lake Biwa is famous as a feng shui spot that meets the conditions of Mandousui.
Lake Biwa Hotel” and ‘Biwako Otsu Prince Hotel’ in Otsu have Lake Biwa spread out in front of them, and spending time in this place is believed to bring good luck for money and fortune.
②北海道の洞爺湖 Lake Toya in Hokkaido

Lake Toyako, a famous scenic spot, is the third largest caldera lake in Japan. The mysterious and majestic lake created by a volcano is a fascinating sightseeing spot that draws people in.
③京都・長岡天満宮の八条ヶ池 Hachijogaike Pond at Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine, Kyoto

Hachijogaike Pond at Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto is also considered to fall under the category of Mandousui from the shrine side.
As a feng shui power spot, it is said to be the spot with the best chi (chi) because it is a place where power from the mountains flows and accumulates.
④茨城県の霞ヶ浦 Kasumigaura, Ibaraki Prefecture

Kasumigaura, which is considered the second largest lake in Japan, can also be said to be manto water.
⑤三重県の粟皇子神社 Awamiko Shrine in Mie Prefecture
Awamiko Shrine, one of the 125 shrines of the Ise Jingu Shrine, is considered the shrine closest to the coast.
It can be seen by walking down the slope on the left side of the Hotel Umi-no-chou (Butterfly of the Sea) and walking along the path leading to the sea. Although it is on the sea, the waves are calm, so it is a place where one can expect to have good luck with money.
海波浪水には注意!運気ダウンの可能性も! Beware of ocean waves and rip currents! It could be a downfall of your luck!
「Just looking at the scenery brings fortune.」
「Just looking at the scenery brings good fortune.」
and other geographical conditions of Feng Shui, Mandousui is known as a power spot for increasing fortune.
However, there are cases where even a location where “all 180 degrees are water meido” does not meet the conditions of Mandousui. That is, the sea where waves are violently crashing or whitecaps are standing.

These are known as Kaihaorousui, which is considered bad feng shui for money, even if the front is water. The effect is the opposite of Mandousui, which is said to cause wasteful spending of money and sudden calamities.
In other words, land with a quiet water front, ponds, or lakes is considered to meet the conditions of Mandousui.