Which is better for Fukuoka yatai, Tenjin or Nakasu? We explain which is more popular among locals based on their characteristics!
In Fukuoka City, yatai stalls begin to line up one after another in the evening.
Nakasu” is probably the first place that comes to mind when people think of yatai in Fukuoka. On the other hand
On the other hand, in addition to the yatai in Nakasu, there are also many yatai in Tenjin. In other words, yatai in Fukuoka are concentrated in the “Nakasu” and “Tenjin” areas.
So, you may be wondering which area is the best place to enjoy yatai.
Incidentally, in terms of the number of yatai, the Tenjin area is said to have the largest number. In this article, we will delve deeper into the theme of yatai in Fukuoka. This will give you an idea of the characteristics of each and who we recommend.
福岡市内の屋台は全部で100軒近くある! In total, there are nearly 100 yatai stalls in Fukuoka City!

Looking at “Various Data on Yatai Policies > Number of Yatai” of Fukuoka City,
There are more than 100 yatai in Fukuoka City.
Ten years have passed since Fukuoka City enacted the nation’s first yatai basic ordinance, and “yatai” has remained as an indispensable tourist attraction in the modern era when people think of Fukuoka.

A number of yatai stalls unthinkable in other cities are scattered throughout Fukuoka City, with the largest number, “Tenjin,” reportedly having more than 50 yatai stalls. Many yatai stalls line up mainly around “Watanabe-dori,” Tenjin’s main street.
When talking about yatai in Fukuoka, the image of “Nakasu” yatai stalls lined up along the river seems to prevail, but in terms of the actual number of yatai stalls, “Tenjin” has the largest number.
It is said that there are also seven yatai in the Nagahama area. It is still fresh in our minds that “Nagahama Yatai Street” was featured in the media as having been revived in June 2023.
参考:屋台数の推移 Reference: Number of food stalls
参考:福岡市屋台基本条例 Reference: Fukuoka City Basic Stall Ordinance
福岡の中洲と天神の屋台のそれぞれの特徴は? What are the respective characteristics of yatai stalls in Nakasu and Tenjin in Fukuoka?

中洲屋台の特徴 Nakasu Yatai Features
One of the characteristics of Nakasu yatai is the concentration of yatai stalls along the river. Nakasu is the embodiment of “the yatai” often seen on live TV broadcasts. Because the stalls are close to each other, it is easy to go from one to the other, making it a good place to walk around drinking and comparing food.
Popular restaurants have long lines, but the turnover time is fast, probably due to the large number of people who visit each one. For those who want to experience the atmosphere of a “yatai street,” the yatai stalls in the Nakasu area are recommended.
- 観光気分を味わいたい人 People who want to feel like a tourist
- 屋台をハシゴしたい人 People who want to haggle food stalls
- 旅行者や観光客が多い Many travelers and tourists
天神屋台の特徴 Features of Tenjin Yatai
One of the characteristics of Tenjin yatai is that there are many locals and businessmen and relatively few tourists. Perhaps because the Tenjin area is also an office district, people in suits or on their way home from work sometimes wander by. The large number of food stalls and wide range of genres tickle the sense of adventure.
There are also newer stalls called “neo yatai,” which are different from the standard stalls and include oddball “French” and “Chinese” stalls, which are popular. The Tenjin area has a large number and range of food stalls, so it is best to stop by depending on your mood of the day.
- 駅チカでアクセスしやすい Easy access to the station
- ジャンルが幅広いので楽しめる A wide range of genres to enjoy.
- 地元民やサラリーマンが多い Many locals and businessmen.
福岡市内の中州と天神にある屋台をいくつか紹介! Some yatai stalls in Nakasu and Tenjin in Fukuoka City!

HEROs屋台 蒸上【天神】 HEROs Yatai joujou【Tenjin】
This stall is a popular place to eat steamed food. Located on the west side of Tenjin Twin Building along Watanabe-dori, it is open from around 6:30 pm to around 24:00 pm. The stall is open almost every day except during bad weather, and people of all ages come to enjoy the delicious steamed gourmet food. The stall is popular among women as it offers a wide variety of yakisai and seiro steamed dishes that look lovely.
ひとつ屋根のした【天神】 Hitotsuyane no shita【Tenjin】

This stall is popular as a unique stall with a female owner’s sensibility. Located right in front of the Tenjin Mitsukoshi Bus Center, it is open from around 6:00 p.m. to 24:00 p.m. and closed on Mondays. In addition to the standard fare of omelets, motsunabe, and goboten udon, the stall also offers a variety of izakaya-level dishes such as grilled soft-boiled eggs, oven-baked duck, and udon noodles with beef tendon stew.
ウルトラC【中洲】 Ultra C【Nakasu】
Ultra C offers an extensive menu of kushikatsu (skewers) and other dishes that make the most of the best ingredients. In winter, it becomes an oden restaurant and can be enjoyed in every season. Open from 6:00 p.m. to 25:00 p.m., it is just the right stall for a drink in Nakasu. Kushikatsu are from 200 yen each, so you can enjoy them with a budget of about 2,000 yen, making this stall a good choice for businessmen on their way home from work.
えんまんや【中洲】 Enmanya【Nakasu】

The menu includes Fukuoka specialties such as yaki-ramen (grilled ramen), stir-fried beef and miso, gyoza (dumplings), grilled pork with cod roe, and tonkotsu (pork bone) ramen. There is also a full lineup of drinks, including the Amao Lemon Sour, which is also popular with women. It is open from 18:00 to 25:00. The food is priced at street cart prices, so the food is a bit pricey, but each dish is delicious and the word of mouth seems to be excellent.
博多屋台 繋々【中洲】 Hakata Yatai tsunatsuna【Nakasu】
Hakata Yatai Tsunagari is a yatai in Nakasu run by the owner, who is the youngest in the yatai community. It is popular as a yatai that offers a wide variety of alcoholic beverages and delicious food made with fresh ingredients from Kyushu. It is also a great place for tourists to enjoy Fukuoka’s local cuisine, such as gameni (stewed rice cake) and motsu dishes. The official Instagram page shows many customers visiting the stall, making it one of the most popular yatai in Nakasu.
Nakasu Yatai? Or Tenjin yatai? Find your favorite yatai!
So far, we have introduced the characteristics and stores of Fukuoka’s yatai stalls. Did you find your favorite yatai?
To put it roughly, Nakasu yatai is the easiest to get into for tourists, and Tenjin yatai is recommended for those who want to experience the local atmosphere.
We hope you will try visiting a yatai in Tenjin or Nakasu when you are sightseeing in Fukuoka.